
Deal Flow Management Software for Venture Funds and Investment Groups

For venture funds and investment companies improving the way they locate evaluate, vet, and protect startup investment opportunities is vital to their success. To do this they need the right deal flow management tools in place to aid their particular workflow.

These software solutions enable you to quickly identify and prioritize investment opportunities. They enable your team to take action with respect to potential prospects based upon their individual criteria. These software solutions allow you to keep up-to-date with the latest information on potential opportunities and how they are developing through the pipeline, ensuring that there is no chance missed.

It’s not easy to manage deal flow, so it is recommended to use a system which lets you share your access with other partners and stakeholders. This will ensure that your team is equipped with the resources to successfully evaluate startups as well as more eyes and ears recommended tech reads to prospects.

Some of the best tools to manage deal flow also provide additional options that can increase efficiency. These include collaboration and sharing of documents in a safe setting (like iDeals or Altvia), monitoring progress, project management and track the progress. Others, like Metabeta offer a customized process for automating email mentoring, updates to the startup process and a checklist of diligence and much more.

Affinity is a relationship-driven platform that helps capital markets firms contextualize their relationships and act on the most complete, up-to date information. Its unique unified CRM platform gives the ability to use relationship intelligence in conjunction with deal source, diligence and integration. It is the best choice for managing LP-facing processes like raising capital and deploying capital, tracking portfolios and improving LP loyalty.

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