
Drug Treatment and Recovery Facts by Erick Bouaziz

If you search the name “Erick Bouaziz” on the internet, the results may reek of controversy. Despite his controversies in life, Erick’s name is also known in the field of drug addiction rehab and recovery. In fact, Erick Bouaziz and his addiction treatment program are so successful that they are the target of controversial shots. Despite his success in life and the drug addiction recovery field, he remains humble. Even till now, his ultimate goal is not only to stay drug-free but also to help others that find themselves in the same boat.

Erick Bouaziz’ Idea About Drug Treatment and Recovery

Erick Bouaziz is a person who can be easily identified in the field of drug addiction recovery and rehabilitation. Bouaziz believes that when a person is on the way to recovery from drug addiction, they will experience temporary hurdles. Nonetheless, those struggles can be easily surpassed if a recovering person has all the motivation and discipline to do it. Erick Bouaziz is five years sober. Therefore, you can tell that he knows what he is talking about.

When a person is under substance abuse, he must learn to fight his fears and weaknesses. After learning to defeat those weaknesses, they will gain triumph over life-consuming drug addiction. Erick Bouaziz strongly identifies with these beliefs. Battling and beating drug addiction is sometimes challenging to undertake, but success is possible.

Drug Treatment and Recovery Facts: The Role of Family, Friends, and Community

In this section, we will take a look at the role of friends and family in drug addiction treatment as described by Erick Bouaziz.

Treatment Recovery Center

Successful treatment often depends upon retaining the drug-addicted person long enough to gain the full benefits of the treatment plan. Erick Bouaziz firmly believes that a person should stay in the treatment center as long as need. 

The length of stay depends on several factors, including; the personal motivation to change behaviour and the support provided by the family. Also, there should be no pressure from the criminal justice system and family while staying in the treatment center. 

Community-based Recovery Groups

Community-based recovery groups mostly offer 12-step programs. These essential programs can complement and extend the effects of professional treatment by supporting patients throughout the recovery process.  

Family and Friends

Family and friends also play vital roles in motivating their loved ones to register at a treatment center and maintain sobriety. According to Erick Bouaziz, family therapy is also essential, particularly for adolescents and young adults. Additional support is also available through the recovery and drug treatment community in the form of 12-step programs.  

If family members and friends also attend the 12-step programs, it can contribute to improvement in the overall mental well-being of the recovering addict. Furthermore, it can make the recovery progress faster and smoother. Also, it has a great impact on the patient’s overall health status.

Erick Bouaziz: 8 Drug Treatment and Recovery Facts

Erick Bouaziz’s authority and efficiency in the field of drug addiction recovery and treatment are all rooted in his experiences. Bouaziz precisely knows how to help people who are going through the same life journey he went through. With all these life experiences, Erick Bouaziz is able to make his methods in drug treatment and recovery more effective and long-term. Below are some of his mentioned facts about the drug treatment and recovery process.

Addiction is a chronic mental disease

It is worthy of mentioning that addiction is a mental disease, and with that it is not a moral failing.  Erick Bouaziz believes that it is important to let the addict know that they are not flawed for being a drug abuser. However, the reality of addiction is that it requires continuous care and careful monitoring for the best management results. Being in the recovery process is a lifelong commitment that is not always easy.

There is no “cure,” but it’s manageable

Attending a drug rehab centre is not a cure for addiction. These places only provide patients with the appropriate tools and programs to manage the disease. These rehabilitation centers are there only to set the patients on the right path. After all the programs, it is still in the patient’s hands to remain sober and in recovery path. It is also the reason why Erick Bouaziz chooses to refer to patients as recovering addicts. 

The term “recovering addicts” serves as a permanent reminder to the patients that they are never fully cured. It merely reminds them that they must continue to use the necessary tools to remain clean and sober.

Getting sober does not mean living sober

Getting sober does not equal to living sober. Instead, Erick Bouaziz believes that it is only the first step to living sober. Living sober requires you to change your lifestyle to gain personal growth and long-term addiction recovery.

Solutions in addiction recovery are varied 

Although there are some suggestions, there is no one way or single method to achieve drug recovery. It is beneficial to take advice from those in long-term recovery. However, use long-term recovery treatment techniques to find what works best for you.

Grieve the loss of addiction

Addiction recovery is terrific, but a patient will often grieve the loss of addiction. Erick Bouaziz advises patience. You cannot expect them to make positive changes all of a sudden. They cannot simply forget the long years they spent tied up with their drug addiction and that lifestyle. Giving it up is still a loss for them that will need to be emotionally and mentally processed.

Recovery requires more actions than intentions

The patient should not only think of the happy thoughts of recovery but rather the actions they need to take. Thoughts of return will only get them far from it. Nevertheless, positive affirmations and intentions still help, but addiction recovery requires more action. Taking small daily actions to improve your lifestyle is the only way to improve and move forward. According to Erick Bouaziz, it is crucial to work slowly toward overall goals.

Change of lifestyle

Erick Bouaziz is the first person that will tell you that addiction recovery requires an overhaul change in lifestyle. Patients are required to change the activities they participate in, the people they hang out with, and even their mindset. 

Find a path outside of meetings

Attending an addiction recovery group is a crucial stage of the recovery phase, especially in early recovery. However, a patient needs to eventually find a path outside of recovery centers. It is essential to develop and support their recovery with methods other than meetings. Activities such as exercising, volunteering, and attending classes are great options as well.

Erick Bouaziz: His Mission in the Field of Drug Treatment and Recovery 

Erick Bouaziz emphasizes that the best way to complete his drug treatment and recovery is by giving back and helping others. He is a man committed to assisting both the patient and loved ones of a person suffering from addiction.  

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