
Selective sodium iodide symporter NIS gene therapy of glioblastoma mediated by EGFR-targeted lipopolyplexes

Selective sodium iodide symporter NIS gene therapy of glioblastoma mediated by EGFR-targeted lipopolyplexes

Coated seeds (but with fertilizers, fungicides, or hormones) are commonplace and accepted in most farming communities worldwide. In developed countries with large scale agricultural practice, such as North America, pre-coated seeds will eliminate the need for an additional expensive field treatment and provide the ultimate convenience for the grower. This significant benefit notwithstanding, pre-coating seeds with PGPB is not an easy industrial task and, so far, has been done only on an experimental scale. Yet, a similar formulating idea, but with peat inoculant, has been applied commercially for a long time as a pre-inoculation of forage legumes, such as alfalfa. The peat is applied to the seeds as a slurry; an adhesive and inoculated seeds are covered with finely-ground calcium carbonate (Brockwell 1977). In this review, bacterial isolates refer to specific bacterial strain (PGPB or rhizobia) that can promote plant growth after inoculation.

Zhang et al reported the efficacy of coupling VEGF siRNA with gemcitabine using lipid-calcium-phosphate nanoparticles that possess cell-specific targeting [252]. Compared to gemcitabine or VEGF siRNA alone, systemic administration of co-targeting nanoparticles resulted in improved response in subcutaneous as well as orthotopic mouse models of NSCLC. The combination of VEGF siRNA and a gemcitabine-induced significant decrease in tumor growth and tumor microvessel density with minimal in-vivo toxicity [252]. Similarly, novel nanoparticles containing tripeptide lipids, sucrose laurate, folate-PEG2000-DSPE were used to encapsulate paclitaxel and VEGF siRNA [253]. These nanoparticles showed substantial specificity and anti-tumor activities in cell lines and mouse models of LC. In addition, these formulations show improved bioavailability and led to a decrease in the effective therapy dose, thereby reducing toxicity [253].

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Besides therapy and diagnosis, miRNAs also play a role in immunotherapy resistance [307]. Anti-PD1 immunotherapy, in combination with first-line chemotherapy, improves the overall outcomes of LC; however, long-term benefits of this regimen are frequently compromised due to resistance to anti-PD1 [308,309,310]. Guyon et al. recently developed a cellular model consisting of T-cell and cell lines of different cancers (glioblastoma, lung adenocarcinoma, breast cancer, and ovarian carcinoma) [307].

  • Interestingly, the ASOs steric block approach can be used for corrupting the target splice variant, where the exon skipping method hinders or downregulates the translation of the target transcript (Fig. 1) [83, 84].
  • Some common chemical modifications include thiophosphoroamidate, thiophosphoroamidate morpholinos, nucleoside moieties, and peptide nucleic acid attachments (Fig. 2) [76, 77].
  • The underline hypothesis is that, if the beads are small enough, yet still capable of encapsulating a sufficient number of bacteria, it would be possible to produce a “powder-like” formulation similar to powdered peat inoculants.
  • The overexpression and activity of glycine decarboxylase (GLDC) maintain TICs and is possibly responsible for tumorigenesis of NSCLC [229].
  • These miRNAs (especially miR-21) have a diverse role in lung cancer establishment, progression, and metastasis, so these anti-miRs can also be utilized as an effective therapy for lung cancer.

The RNA therapy-related studies suggested that these molecules have an immense potential to regulate multiple cellular pathways by inhibiting various genes [43, 49]. The ease of simultaneous targeting of multiple pathways provides an edge to the RNA-based therapeutics platform to target the different aspects of cancer such as tumor growth, metastasis, and drug resistance [47, 48, 50,51,52,53]. Inoculation of plants with plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) and plant symbionts to enhance performance of plants is centuries old.

Platforms for RNA based cancer therapeutics

“Quality assurance” is the overall evaluation that quality control procedures and techniques are achieving what they intend to achieve. In legumes, the quality of the inoculant is defined as the number of viable and effective cells capable of nodulating plants and fixing nitrogen of the intended strain delivered by the inoculant at point-of-sale. For PGPB, similar parameters apply, with higher emphasis on contaminant-free inoculants (Bashan 1998; Deaker et al. 2011).

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The method of choice depends on the availability of equipment, seed size, fragility of the seed coat and cotyledon, presence of fungicides applied with the seeds, convenience for the grower, and the price that the grower is willing to pay for the inoculant (Deaker et al. 2004). Numerous studies have shown that under careful supervision, and probably not applicable for commercial growers, good positive results of inoculation can be achieved, using the PGPB without any formulation. Designed with the idea that no two patients are alike, the ADC ADView™ Diagnostic Station continues the innovation first developed for the e-sphyg 2 by offering a manual measurement mode. By combining the best of our nearly half century years of blood pressure measurement experience with the capability to apply traditional methods of blood pressure measurement, the ADC AdView™ provides the most reliable and versatile means of capturing blood pressure data. The following topics should be the top priorities of research on new or improved delivery systems for PGPB and rhizobia.

Technical aspects of inoculant production

G3139, a Bcl-2 ASO, along with paclitaxel was well-tolerated in chemo-refractory SCLC patients [283]. Further, G3139, in combination with carboplatin and etoposide showed promising results in SCLC patients [284]. However, a randomized phase II Study for Bcl-2 ASOs (Oblimersen) in combination with carboplatin and etoposide did not improve the clinical outcome in advanced-stage SCLC patients [285].

Molecular Therapy – Oncolytics

Several reviews from the 1970s (listed in Deaker et al. 2004) summarize the fundamentals, which are similar in all procedures. Briefly, prior to sowing, seeds are dusted with peat inoculant, with or without water or adhesive. For small seeds, this is followed by superfine, ground limestone, with or without adhesive, and allowed to dry. Coating and drying using fluidized beds where the seeds are floated on a cushion of pressurized air and then sprayed with inoculant and later coated with ground limestone has proved, at least for rhizobia, less successful. Good pellets are evenly coated with limestone, are dry and without loose limestone on the surface, have good structural integrity, and are firm enough to withstand soft impact when dispensed in seeding machinery.

Polymeric inoculants

This study established the role of exosomal miRNA-4315 for the stratification of LC patients developing anti-PD1 resistance and provide an alternative therapeutic option to utilize miRNAs for LC to modulate immunotherapy. When a moist formulation, such as peat, is used, moisture content of 40–50% proved optimal for growth and survival of a range of rhizobia (Deaker et al. 2004). Consequently, a practical solution, for example, to improve survival of rhizobia on seeds is a short curing period of 15 d at 25 °C or an even longer curing time of up to 120 days, which is better.

Combination of chemotherapy with anti-angiogenesis therapies is an attractive approach against NSCLC [252, 253]. Integration of these two different targeting strategies (anti-angiogenesis and chemotherapy) is a promising approach to simultaneously target the tumor vasculature and tumor cells. Two independent studies reported the utility of combining VEGF siRNA with two different chemotherapeutic drugs [252, 253].

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