
Erick Bouaziz: A Figure in the Addiction Recovery Field

It’s saddening to know that addictions in North America have been on the rise. Since 1999 there are more than 700,000 Americans who died from drug abuse. Every year, alcohol and drug addiction cost the U.S. economy over $600 billion. Once upon a time, Erick Bouaziz was a part of this statistic.

According to the Addiction Center statistics, almost 21 million American citizens have addiction cases, yet only 10% receive treatment. Unfortunately, out of those million drug users, less than 60% of them believe that they need help. It has resulted in increased drug intervention through addiction treatment rehabilitation centers across North America. 

Among all the known persons in the addiction recovery field, Erick Bouziz is considered one of the most remarkable figures in Canada. Aside from his recovery on drug abuse storyline, his drug addiction rehabilitation center “The Academy” made him known as well. 

In this article, you will discover how Erick Bouaziz became an inspiration in the field of drug addiction treatment and recovery.

Erick Bouaziz: Life Before Drug Addiction Recovery 

Addiction is a kind of mental disorder that urges someone to use substances repeatedly despite its harmful consequences. No one should tolerate addiction habits as it can severely affect overall health. Aside from the effect on the individual, it can also wreck families, friendships, and even life careers.

Erick Bouaziz is one of the millions of drug abusers who suffered and experienced most of those drug addiction consequences. His addiction to drugs started when he was in high school and was curious about all sorts of things. He said in one of his interviews that Marijuana was the biggest thing in high school. He was then introduced to it and in due time Erick Bouaziz became a regular user. Since everyone was doing it, even the adults, he thought that there nothing wrong with it. 

Later on, someone introduced him to nightlife and after-hours party in the clubs. There he got invited to take ecstasy and eventually did this almost every weekend. Erick’s addictions to drugs continued as he thought he got freedom every time he took it. 

When Erick Bouaziz was 20 years old, he lived the life of a rock star. Erick Bouaziz enjoyed his life as a typical young adult but with so much youthful exuberance. He was always justifying the fruitful life that he has. During his 20’s, he thought that it was okay to waste his time since he was still young. Erick Bouaziz was quoted as saying, “living young, wild and free,” emphasizing that he still had his whole life ahead of him. Besides, he had a well-built house, nice clothes, career and even had a Mercedez-Benz before. Erick Bouaziz lived his life however he wanted, always emphasizing how good it is and the supposed freedom he enjoyed when high on drugs.  

It was a long time before he finally realized that he was not getting freedom from drugs but a cage of despair and depression. His family and close friends started offering him an intervention, begging him to stop using drugs finally, but continued. Finally, at the age of 32, Erick Bouaziz decided to change his drug-driven life. It was when his business partner wrote him a letter, threatening to give up their successful enterprise that things changed. That night, Bouaziz, even with severe drug addiction, fell to his knees in the living room. Down on bended knees, he cried and asked for help.

Erick Bouaziz and His Battle Against Drug Addiction

Erick Bouaziz experienced big struggles with the continuous temptation of going back to his old addictive habits. Just like other recovering drug addicts, he also went through the usual hard challenges. Not to mention that he was hooked to drug abuse for a very long time. 

But with his drive to recover, he managed to focus his attention on other productive activities such as his studies. He acquired the skills and knowledge through his ongoing education, allowing him to open The Academy. This academy is a treatment and recovery center for drug addicts in North America. Eventually, Erick Bouaziz earned the AS, CS, and CACCF degrees by continuously pouring his energy and attention to his studies.

He also mentioned in one of his interviews that after he finished his treatment, he never left the center. He still goes in there at least three to four times a week to look for newcomers. He always talks to those people who are struggling and dealing with their addictions. For him, his total and long-term recovery boils down to serving and helping others who are also suffering from drug addictions. He says, “it is giving back what was so freely given to you.”

Bouaziz’s fight against substance abuse is something incomparable to a rollercoaster ride, and it was full of ups and downs. But in the end, he strongly managed to reach the summit of his triumph. Recovering from his drug addiction is just one of the many remarkable achievements Erick Bouaziz can boast of. Nevertheless, you would rarely see Erick Bouaziz brag about all his worthy successes in life.

Erick Bouaziz: A Remarkable Figure in the Field of Addiction Recovery

Erick Bouaziz’s struggles, experiences, authority and efficiency in the addiction recovery field make him a figure in the said field. Because of his own life experiences as a former drug addict, he made the best notable decisions in life. His decisions sweetly turned into a good vision, which is to serve and personally help those people in need.

Bouaziz knows exactly how to help those people who went through the same path as he had before. Thus, it is the main reason why his methods in addiction recovery and treatment are effective, even in the long-term. Furthermore, his notable works at The Academy gives Erick Bouaziz more inspiration to continue his ongoing goal towards long-term recovery. Most importantly, The Academy was built from his intention to give back by helping drug patients to recover, successfully.

Amidst the big controversies that surround Erick Bouaziz, he remains a trusted figure in the field of drug addiction recovery and treatment. He will continue to welcome everyone who is seeking help and assistance during their trying times in the recovery stage. Erick Bouaziz’s story itself before, during and after recovering from drug addiction is what makes him a notable person.

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