
Erick Bouaziz Tips on How to Fight Substance Abuse

When a person is experiencing a severe substance abuse problem, his/her world can feel like a lonely place. Drugs or any other type of substance abuse can isolate the individual from their family and friends. All the while, this isolation can push them deeper into the cycle of substance addiction. This is one of the situations Erick Bouaziz found himself in early in life.

For many people struggling with addiction, the toughest step in addiction recovery is to recognize that they have a problem. The second one is deciding to make a change. Recovering from drug addiction without a support system can be difficult. But as a family or friend, you can do something to help your loved ones fight substance abuse. However, if the person you care about is profoundly drowning into drugs, he badly needs the help and guidance of professionals. Professionals like Erick Bouaziz know exactly what works best on the difficult road to drug recovery. 

Erick Bouaziz: A Name in the Drug Addiction Recovery Field

Erick Bouaziz is one of the epitomes of triumph in the field of drug addiction recovery. But if you search his name on the internet, you will surely get a lot of controversies about him. Only a few of them are true, but most of them are just mere false accusations, trying to bring him down. 

Erick Bouaziz is a recovering drug addict, but this is just one of the many crowns he wears. With the five years of sobriety behind him, he managed to straighten his life. With this, he got plenty of successes, and he could brag about it, but he chooses not to do so. 

Although Erick Bouaziz and his life controversies are all over the internet, his name remains widely known in the drug addiction recovery field. Bouaziz is an excellent example that substance abuse and addiction are temporary hurdles in life. In fact, Erick Bouaziz is a clear inidication that everyone can overcome it if they want to. His battle against drug addiction only proves that you can win over your weaknesses. Total dependence and addiction to drugs is a colossal battle to handle, but victory is possible.

Why is Erick Bouaziz Helping Other to Overcome Drug Addiction?

Erick Bouaziz is a former nightclub promoter who is no stranger to dependency and substance abuse. He emphasized in one of his interviews how substance abuse can ruin someone’s life. He dealt with his drug addiction for long years until he finally got the courage to stop his addiction for good.

Bouaziz emphasized that the best way of completing his drug addiction recovery is to give back to others. He wants to help those people in need of the same assistance he got. His five years of sobriety is just one of his rewards. The ultimate goal and personal mission for Erick Bouaziz is to extend help to those recovering drug addicts. That is the main reason why he opened his recovery and treatment center, “The Academy.”

Erick Bouaziz: Tips on How to Fight Substance Abuse

Erick Bouaziz mentioned in an interview that one of the keys to a successful recovery is the involvement of family and friends. He and his team show family members how to approach and give intervention to their loved ones. Their crucial approach is to start with the family before going to the patient. 

Here is a list of some specific strategies that Erick Bouaziz recommends that families can employ to help their loved ones survived substance abuse. 

  1. Always try to be available when they need you. 

As a family, it should be you who they can lean on when they are feeling lost and alone. Whenever they call you, even if it’s in the middle of the night to talk, please do answer. If they are going through a tough time, don’t let them handle things on their own. Instead, always watch after them, make them feel wanted and loved as much as possible. For Erick Bouaziz, communication was crucial in his recovery process.

  1. Gain their trust.

Sometimes, trying to gain an addicted person’s trust is quite challenging, especially if they have been betrayed before. According to Erick Bouaziz, establishing two-way confidence is an essential first step in helping them fight substance abuse. Trust is easily undermined, even if you are trying to help.

  1. Help them understand that community programs can help them fight drug abuse.

Erick Bouaziz advises that you gradually convince your loved ones to attend recovery and treatment programs in your community. However, this may prove challenging, especially if they are not open to these programs. Just be more patient to them, sooner or later they will understand its importance as well. But do not ask them repeatedly to attend these recovery programs, they might get irritated and turn to drugs for solace.

  1. Do not expect them to change immediately.

Criticizing your loved ones on how slow their recovery is a big no. Again, be patient with  patients in the middle of drug addiction recovery. Erick Bouaziz is the first person that will tell you that the drug recovery journey is full of ups and downs. There are days when they may want to go back again to a drug-driven life. On other days, they may be eager to fight it till the end. As a family, you should not pressure them but rather encourage them so they can recover smoothly.

  1. Communicate with them.

Drug addicts are more likely to be open to thinking about change if you know how to communicate well with them. Erick Bouaziz recommends that you be careful with your words. Also, make sure that your words are said in a way that does not threaten them.

Final Thoughts

You can play a significant role in helping someone overcome drug addiction. However, it is also crucial for you to ask for assistance with an expert in this recovery field. You can’t do it all on your own, as it requires proper approach and methods. 

Like in the case of Erick Bouaziz, drug addiction does not only affect the person, but it can also affect everyone in his life. Thus, when they get on the road to recovery, families and friends should also walk the recovery journey with them. If someone you care about is struggling with drug/substance addiction, you can take essential steps to help them. Just remember that it is ultimately vital to get a comprehensive recovery program.

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